
I’m Jennifer, a Midwestern 40-something, married to a wonderful guy named Michael. An urbanite at heart but suburbanite in reality, I’m into food blogs, the psychology of things, and I love to write.

A few years ago, when I was 38, I suffered a heart attack due to Sudden Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD). Against improbable circumstances, I lived.

Later, after continued medical crisis and testing, I was diagnosed with a vascular disease called Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD), an overall problem with my arteries which most likely led to my heart attack.

What does all this technical stuff mean? I live with a chronic condition, take lots of pills, and try to be healthy. I get to live!

I started this blog as a way to work through my thoughts, in hopes of offering inspiration and encouragement to others. I blog about random thoughts, ideas, faith, motivation, doubt, fear, food, and living with chronic illness.

My memoir, Because I Lived, is in the editorial process, hopefully published soon. 🙂

Thank you for checking out this blog, and please comment!


Go Red Billboard 2013

Go Red for Women Billboard 2013 – I am second from left

15 thoughts on “About

  1. This is awesome, Jen!! You never cease to amaze me. Your heart is definately in the right place and I’m so impressed on how you are handling life and are sharing your experiences. Geo

  2. Hi, my name is Raisa. I live in Maryland and I’m trying to look for some direction as my husband and I seek some support. He had a heart attack last memorial weekend at 31 years old. Found your blog through google and was wondering if we could get in contact with you or someone you know who could share his/her story with us. Thank you for your blog and i look forward to hearing from you.

    • Hi Raisa, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s heart attack. It’s scary and isolating to go through it all, and shocking that he was so young. If you’d like, please email me at Becauseilived@gmail.com and we can talk or email privately. I’m so glad you reached out! Love that google! XOXO Jennifer

  3. Interesting overlaps. Just this evening on my weekly radio show, my guest was talking about intention and how many of us live with and create intentions but don’t then align them with action. I suspect you “do’ both quite well.

    I, too, had a major MI, though not until I was 47. I’ve since had a second one with mucho cardiac procedures in between. For me it’s become pretty much “whatever’ as a nephew is fond of saying. 🙂 I am looking forward to learning from your blog and inspiring messaging.

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